Modules index


This module defines a number of important values:

argv: A list containing the command line arguments passed to the Converge program.

program_path: A string containing the path of the current program. NB: This may be set to null (e.g. if the program was loaded from memory), and if present may not be a fully canonicalized path.

stdin: A File object representing standard input.

stdout: A File object representing standard input.

version: A string denoting the version of the Converge virtual machine. Versions can be of any format (e.g. 1.2, 1.1-beta, current). Thus one can not determine whether one version string represents a "newer" version than another; one can simply test whether two version strings denote different versions not.

Important functions and classes in this module are as follows:

func exit(code): Exits the program with exit code code which must be an integer.

More correctly this raises a System_Exit_Exception which is caught as a special case by the "outer" Converge program.

func print(*s): Prints all arguments passed to it to standard out. Strings are printed as is; all other objects have their to_str function called.

func println(*s): Prints all arguments passed to it to standard out, and then prints a trailing newline. Strings are printed as is; all other objects have their to_str function called.

cvd_to_html ©2006-2007 Laurence Tratt