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File objects

class File:
File objects are created by calling the following function on the File class object:

func new(path, mode): Opens the file at path for reading or writing. mode can take the following values:
rOpen for reading.
r+Open for reading and writing.
wOpen for writing; truncates file if it already exists, or creates a new file if none currently exists.
w+Open for reading and writing; truncates file if it already exists, or creates a new file if none currently exists.
aOpen for writing; does not truncate file if it already exists, but does create a new file if none currently exists.
a+Open for reading and writing; does not truncate file if it already exists, but does create a new file if none currently exists.

File objects support the following functions:

func close(): Closes the file. Note that although the file will be closed when the file object is garbage collected, it is often good manners (and the release of a burden on the OS) to close files once they are finished with.

func fileno(): Returns the underlying file descriptor.

func read(size := null): Reads size bytes from the file. If size is null, the full contents of the file are returned.

func readln(): Successively generates each line of text in the file.

func write(s): Writes s to the file.

func writeln(s): Writes s to the file plus the platform appropriate newline character(s).

File objects have the following slots:

path: The path of the file object. Set to NULL if this file has no associated path (e.g. a pipe).

File name manipulation

These functions should be used to ensure that file name manipulation is done in a platform independent manner:

func canon_path(path): Returns the fully canonicalized version of path. The exact effects are platform dependent.

func exists(path): Succeeds if path exists.

func is_dir(path): Succeeds if path is a directory. Notice that mere failure - as opposed to an exception being generated - does not necessarily imply that path exists but is not a directory [this behaviour is platform dependent].

func iter_dir_entries(dir_path): Successively generates each leaf names in the directory dir_path.

func join_names(*names): Concatenates the entries of names into a path. This thus reverses the effects of split_names or split_leaf.

func join_ext(path, ext): Joins filename extension ext to the path path. If ext is empty, path is returned. This reverses the effect of split_ext.

func split_ext(path): Returns a list of length two [<path's directory plus leaf name>, <path's file extension>]. The file name extension separator is not present in either component. e.g. split_ext("/a/b/c.d") returns ["/a/b/c", "d"].

func split_leaf(path): Returns a list of length two [<path's directory>, <path's leaf name>]. The file name extension separator is not present in either component. e.g. split_leaf("/a/b/c.d") returns ["/a/b", "c.d"].

func split_names(path): Returns a list representing all the directories and the leaf name of path. The separator between the directories and leaf name is not present in the output. e.g. split_names("/a/b/c.d") returns ["a", "b", "c.d"].

DIR_SEP: The character(s) used to separate directory names (e.g. on Unix /).

EXT_SEP: The character(s) used to separate file names from their extensions (e.g. on Unix .).

File manipulation

func mtime(path): Returns the mtime ('modification time') of path as an Instant.

func rm(path): Deletes path. If path is a directory, it recursively deletes its contents.

func temp_file(): Returns a read / write File object in a temporary location. The file is not deleted upon close and must be manually deleted.


NULL_DEV: The name of the null file (e.g. on Unix /dev/null).

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