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This module provides regular expression functions. See the PCRE documentation for the syntax and options that PCRE provides.

Important functions and classes in the PCRE module are as follows:

func compile(pattern): Compiles the string pattern and returns a regular expression object.

Regular expression objects

Regular expression objects have the following slots:

func match(s, i := 0): Attempts to match the regular expression against string s. match anchors its match to a particular position i which defaults to 0. In other words, if the regular expression does not match at that position, it does not search through the string looking for another position to match at.

If the match succeeds, a match object is returned; otherwise the function fails.

func search(s, i := 0): Successively generates all match objects where the regular expression matches against the string s. The search starts at position i, which defaults to 0.

For each successful search, a match object is generated; when no more matches are found, the function fails.

Match objects

Match objects have the following slots:

func get(group_num): Returns the slice of the string matched by the group numbered group_num. Groups are specified within a regular expression by use of parentheses, and are numbered starting from 1. There is an implicit group 0 which returns the entire string matched by the regular expression.

Note that this effect can also be achieved via the slice notation i.e. match.get(X) is equivalent to match[X].

func get_indexes(group_num): Returns the start and end indices as a list [start, end] of the string matched by the group numbered group_num. Groups are specified within a regular expression by use of parentheses, and are numbered starting from 1. There is an implicit group 0 which returns the start and end indices of the entire string matched by the regular expression.

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