Modules index


This module provides access to the builtin Converge types.

class Class:
The standard class Class.

func conformed_by(o): Succeeds if o contains correspondingly named slots as each field in this class and its superclasses. Note that o may also contain other slots beyond this.

func instantiated(o): Succeeds if this class (or one of its subclasses) instantiated o.

func get_field(name): Returns the field name in the class, raising an exception if it does not exist.

func iter_defns(): Successively generates each (field name, field value) pair for the class (note that this does not include slots defined in superclasses).

func set_field(name, val): Sets the value of field name to val, creating name if it did not previously exist.

func get_supers(): Returns a list of all this parents superclasses.

class Dict:
The standard class Dict.

func del(o): Deletes the entry o. If 'o' is not found an exception is raised.

func extend(o): Adds every element from the dictoinary o into the dictionary. Key conflicts are resolved in favour of o i.e. elements in o overwrite elements in the dictionary being extended.

func find(o, default := fail): Returns the value of key. If 'key' is not found, 'default' is returned or, if no default value is specified, it fails. Note that unlike many other fuctions named find, this only returns a single value.

func get(o, default := fail): Returns the value of key. If 'key' is not found, 'default' is returned or, if no default value is specified, an exception is raised.

func iter(): Successively generates each [key, val] pair in this dictionary.

func iter_keys(): Successively generates each key in this dictionary.

func len(): Returns the number of keys in this dictionary.

func set(key, val): Sets the value of key to val. If key was previously associated with a value, val overwrites the previous association. Returns null.

func iter_vals(): Successively generates each value in this dictionary.

class Int:
Implements all the standard Number functions with the following addition:

func idiv(n): Returns the integer value of dividing this integer by n.

class List:
The standard class List.

func append(o): Adds o to the end of the list.

func del(i): Deletes the element at position i, raising an exception if i is out of bounds.

func extend(c): Appends each element returned by c.iter().

func find(o): Successively generates each element in the list which compares equal to o.

func find_index(o): Successively generates the index of each element in the list which compares equal to o.

func flattened(): Returns a copy of this list with each sub-list recursively flattened. e.g. flattened([1, 2, [3, [4, 5]], 6]) returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

func get(i): Returns the element at position i, raising an exception if i is out of bounds.

func get_slice(lower := 0, upper := self.len()): Returns a sub-list of the elements from position lower (inclusive) to upper (exclusive). An exception is raised if either index is out of bounds.

func insert(i, o): Inserts o at position i, causing the original values of position i (inclusive) to self.len() (exclusive) to be shuffled up by one position. An exception is raised if i is out of bounds.

func iter(lower := 0, upper := self.len()): Successively generates, in order, each value in the list.

func len(): Returns the number of entries in the list.

func pop(): Deletes the last position in the list, returning that positions value.

func remove(o): Successively deletes, in order, each element which equals o. Returns the value of that entry on each successful deletion, failing when no elements remain to be deleted.

func riter(): Successively generates, in reverse order, each value in the list.

func set(i, val): Sets the value at position i to val. Raises an exception if i is out of bounds.

func set_slice(lower := 0, upper := self.len(), c): Effectively deletes the elements from position lower (inclusive) to upper (exclusive) and then successively inserts each element returned by c.iter() at position lower + position in c. An exception is raised if either index is out of bounds.

class Module:
The standard class Module.

func new(bc): Creates a new module from the string bc, which should be the contents of a .cvb file.

Module objects have the following slots:

func defn_names(): Successively generates each definition name in the module.

func get_defn(name): Returns the definition named name in this module.

func set_defn(name, val): Sets the value of the definition named name in this module to val.

func iter_defns(): Successively generates each (definition name, definition value) pair for the module.

class Number:
The standard class Number.

class Object:
The standard class Object.

func init(): The standard object initialisation function; effectively a no-op.

func find_slot(name): Returns the value of the slot name, or fails if no such slot exists.

func get_slot(name): Returns the value of the slot name, raising an exception if no such slot exists.

func iter_slots(): Successively generates each (slot name, slot value) pair for the object.

func set_slot(name, val): Sets the value of slot name to val, creating name if it did not previously exist.

class Set:
The standard class Set. Note that Converge's sets are mutable.

func add(o): Adds o to the set, overwriting the previous object which compared equal to o if it existed.

func complement(s): Returns a new set which contains every element of self which is not in o.

func del(o): Removes the entry o. If 'o' is not found an exception is raised.

func extend(c): Successively adds each element returned by c.iter() to the set.

func find(o, default := fail): Returns the object which compares equal to o. If no such object is not found, 'default' is returned or, if no default value is specified, it fails. Note that unlike many other fuctions named find, this only returns a single value.

func iter(): Successively generates each value in the set.

func len(): Returns the number of entries in the set.

class String:
The standard class String. Note that Converge's strings are immutable, and the API is designed with this in mind.

func find(s): Successively generates each substring which matches s (in practice this means that 's' itself will be returned for each match, but is defined this way for consistency with other find functions).

func find_index(s): Successively generates, in order, the starting index of each substring which matches s.

func get(i): Returns the character at position i, raising an exception if i is out of bounds.

func hash(): Returns this strings hash value.

func get_slice(lower := 0, upper := self.len()): Returns a sub-string of the characters from position lower (inclusive) to upper (exclusive). An exception is raised if either index is out of bounds.

func iter(lower := 0, upper := self.len()): Successively generates, in order, each character in the string.

func len(): Returns the number of characters in the string.

func lower_cased(): Returns a copy of this string with all characters converted to lower case.

func lstripped(): Returns a copy of this string with all whitespace (tabs, spaces, newlines) removed from its left hand side.

func prefixed_by(s, i := 0): Succeeds if the string starting at position i matches s in its entirety.

func rfind_index(s): Successively generates, in reverse order, the starting index of each substring which matches s.

func split(s): Splits the string on each instance of s, returning a list of the result.

func stripped(): Returns a copy of this string with all whitespace (tabs, spaces, newlines) removed from both its left and right hand side.

func suffixed_by(s, i := self.len()): Succeeds if the string ending at position i matches s in its entirety.

func replaced(old, new): Returns a new string with each substring matching old replaced with new.

func upper_cased(): Returns a copy of this string with all characters converted to upper case.

cvd_to_html ©2006-2007 Laurence Tratt